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個人簡介:  汪滔,1980年出生于浙江杭州,香港科技大學畢業生,現任深圳市大疆創新科技有限公司董事長。
個人簡介:1961年生于湖南,香港科技大學電子與計算機工程學系教授,香港科技大學自動化技術中心主任、教授,固高科技(香港)有限公司 (Googol Technology (HK) Limited) 董事長。
1983年至1989年在美國加州大學伯克利分校學習,先后獲得數學碩士(1986)、電子工程和計算機碩士 (1986)及博士(1989)等學位。
李澤湘教授長期從事機器人,制造科學與自動化領域的教學和科研工作,以及推動中國研究生工程教育改革和創新人才培養體系的建立。他先后發表論文120多篇(其中在SCI收錄的國際核心期刊論文近30篇和國際核心會議論文60多篇),出版專著2本。 其有關機器人方面的研究論文被國際同行普遍采用或引用,開拓了機器人在非完整約束下的運動規劃這一學術領域。所獲獎項包括卡內基·梅隆大學優秀畢業生獎,加利福尼亞大學E.J.Jury獎,美國國家科學基金的優秀青年學者啟動基金及中國自然科學獎。
1978- 1990
量子(QWANT )研究技術工業公司
1980- 1984
經濟互助委員會( COMECON)醫學工程中心
1990- 1999
1998- 2002
1999- 2002
2003- 2004
DEL CONT商務聯絡國際中心(莫斯科)國際項目部主任
聯合國工業發展組織( UNIDO )莫斯科中心
歐洲自然科學院(EANS) ;
國際基礎教育科學院(EAFE) ;
醫學技術科學院( AMTS) ;
個人簡介:1991年碩士畢業進入了剛剛恢復的無人機所,從一名青年工程師成長為總工程師,成為我國無人機系統技術專家。他從課題組長到副總工程師先后承擔了4個型號的任務,主持兩項國防預研項目。榮獲北京市優秀青年工程師、北京經濟技術創新標兵稱號,獲得中航總科技進步二等獎、 國防科學技術進步二等獎,并榮立國防科技二等功。
Wang Yingxun
rofessor, Dean of UAV Research Institute ofBeihang University
In 1991, he graduated from thenewly-recovered UAV Institute, and grew from a young engineer toachiefengineer, becoming a technical expert in China's UAV system. He undertook four types oftasks and was promoted from the team leaderto the deputy chief engineer. He presided over twonationaldefense preresearchprojects. He was awarded the title of Outstanding Young Engineer of Beijing and Beijing Economic and TechnologicalInnovation Model, won the second prize of China Aviation General Science and TechnologyProgress Award, the second prize of National Defense Science and Technology Progress, and the second-class merit of National Defense Scienceand Technology.
個人簡介:1995- 1996 IGDIR氣象學-天氣預報
1996- 2000年阿達納氣象學-天氣預報
2000-2007 Adana氣象學-工程師(團隊協調員)
2007-2009 Gaz_ antep氣象學- 工程師(團隊協調員)
2009- 2016 Adana氣象學-工程師(團隊協調員)
2016- 2018梅爾辛氣象學-經理
庫庫洛瓦大學/農業經濟博士2006年9月- 2016年6月
庫庫洛瓦大學研究生/農業經濟2000年9月- 2004年6月
庫庫洛瓦大學/農業工程師1995年9月- 2000年6月
精通Ukurova_ nv的證書。OMWS用戶培訓、高級天氣預報培訓、森林火災預警支持培訓、農業氣象學教育、氣候和氣候變化培訓、洪澇災害管理培訓、質量管理體系培訓。
Dr. Hwill DOGAN
Phd Cukurova University/Agricultural Economy 09/2006 -06/2016
Postgraduate Cukurova University/Agricultural Economy 09/2000-06/2004
University Cukurova University/Agricultural Engineer
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION & CERTIFICATES Cerficate for Proficiency qukurova ü'nv.
OMWS User Training/Advanced Weather Forecast Training Forest Fires Early Warning Support Training/Agricultural Meteorology Education/ Climate and Climate Change Training
Flood and Drought Management Training
Quality Management Systems Training
個人簡介:學科專長:無人機航電總體,遙控遙測遙感,偵察圖像處理,電磁兼容 與電子對抗。
工作成績:擔任多個無人機型號的副總設計師和總設計師,主持國家自然基金.航空基金、國防預研、“973" 課題和國家重點研發計劃課題等科研項目,獲總裝備部和國防科工要聯合領發的高新工程突出貢獻個人榮營獎章,獲航空航天部個人一等功,二等功,獲國防科工委銀獎。科研應里,鐵國家科技進步二等獎二次,江蘇省科技進步特導獎一次,省部權科技進步等獎四次、二等獎四次。
Huang Daqing
Researcher, doctoral supervisor
Deputy Chief Engineer of the UAV Research Institute of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Small and Medium-sized UAV Advanced Technology of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Technical Director of Nanjing Changkong Technology Co., Ltd.
xpert in: UAV avionics, remote control, telemetering and remote sensing reconnaissance imageprocessing, electromagneticcompatibility and electronic countermeasures
Academic Part-time job: Editorial Board Member of Journal of Telemetry, Tracking and Command, Member of the UAV Subcommittee of the Chinese Aviation Society, Director of the Measurement and Control and Data Link Professional Committee, Member of the Telemetry Professional Committee of the China Society of Astronautics, Member of the Remote Sensing, Remote Control and Telemetry Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation, Deputy Director of the Tactical Technology and Flight Safety Professional Committee of Jiangsu Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Vice Chairman of the Security Sub-Alliance of China UAV Industry Innovation Alliance, former member of the UAV Professional Team of the General Armament Department, Evaluation Expert of National Natural Science Foundation, Aviation Fund and National Key R&D Programs.
Achievements: Serving as the deputy chief designer and chief designer of several UAV models, and presiding over research projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation, Aviation Fund, National Defense PreResearch, "973" Project and National Key R&D Program, and received the Medal of Honor for Individuals who made great contribution to high-tech engineering jointly issued by the General Armament Department and COSTIND, and won the first-class and second-class merits of the Ministry of Aviation and Aerospace Industry, and won the Silver Prize of COSTIND Scientific research achievements: won the second prize of the National Scientific and Technological Progress Award twice, the Jiangsu Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress Special Prize once, the provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological progress first prize four times, and the second prize four times.
Cai Chang
Deputy GeneralManager of Dajiang Huifei UAV
Education Technology Co., Ltd.
Sales Director of East China Region of Dajiang Innovation.
He spent 7 years in securityindustry. Since he joined Dajiang, he has activelypromotedthe exploration and research of UAV+industry applications, andconstantly expanded the boundaries of the application ofUAV industry.
He is currently the deputy general manager of Dajiang Huifei UAV Education Technology Co., Ltd.
Merenkova Daria達睿亞梅連科娃天津海之星水下機器人有限公司、海之星(天津) 中俄海洋高新技個人原創文章
個人簡介:2017年至今天津海之星水下機器人公司、海之星(天津)中俄海洋高新技術研究院國際部主任,俄羅斯科學院、國際歐亞科學院院長.邦杜爾助理,俄羅斯科學院、國際歐亞科學院中國地區工作組成員。負責國際部日常工作,管理翻譯團隊,協助俄方專家完成任務;負責公司外聯工作,中俄通信,組織中俄科技團隊、中俄政府團隊到中國和俄羅斯的考察;協助組織中俄科學技術論壇、商務談判、圓桌會( 代表性任務: 2016年天津經濟技術開發區管委會到俄羅斯莫斯科聯邦委員會考察; 2017年泰達海洋高新技術論壇; 2017年國際歐亞科學院泰達交流會;
2018年2月北京國際歐亞科學院中國發改委國際合作中心交流會;2018年5月俄羅斯聯邦委員會北極委員會與中交天航局、交通部天科院針對北部航道港口建設項目對接會; 2018年天津化博會“一帶路”倡議下的中俄科技合作分會; 2019年3月份三亞市中俄科學院“深海資源勘測”首次正式工作會議,俄羅斯科學院院長、副院長助理) ;負責協助編寫和管理中俄合作相關的文件包括備忘錄、協議、項目規劃等;負責中俄政府、企業、科學技術專家會見,接待翻譯工作。
onderkova Daria
Director and Assistant General Manager of
International Department of Ostar (Tianjin) China
Russia Institute of Marine High-Tech Research,
Tianjin Ostar Underwater Robot Co., Ltd.
Assistant to V. Bondur, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the President of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences
From 2017, she has served as Director and Assistant General
Manager of International Department of Ostar (Tianiin) China
Russia Institute of Marine High-Tech Research, Tianjin Osatr
Underwater Robot Co., Ltd., and is the assistant to V. Bondur.
Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the President of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences
She is the team member of Russian Academy of Sciences Member and Working Group Member of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences China Region. She is responsible for daily work of the International Department, managing the translation team, and assisting Russian experts in completing tasks; responsible for external communication work, SinoRussian communications, organizing Sino-Russian science and technology teams, Sino-Russian government teams to visit China and Russia: assisting in organizing Sino-Russian science and technology Forum, business negotiations, round table (representative tasks: the Management Committee of Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone visited Federation Council of Russia in Moscow in 2016; 2017 TEDA Marine High-tech Forum; 2017 International Eurasian Academy of Sciences and TEDA Exchange; in February, 2018, Beijing International Eurasian Academy of Sciences and International Cooperation Center of China Development and Reform Commission Exchange Meeting; In May, 2018, Arctic Committee of Federation Council of Russia carried out match-making conference with Cccc Tianjin Dredging Company and TIWTE on the construction of northern channel ports; 2018 Sino-Russian Science and Technology Cooperation Session under the "Belt and Road Initiative" ; the first formal working meeting of the “Deep Sea Resources Survey" of the Sino-Russian Academy of Sciences in Sanya in March 2019. She is the assistant to the President and Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences and is responsible for assisting in the preparation and management of Sino-Russian Cooperation related documents including memorandum, agreement, project planning, etc.. She also takes charge of meeting, reception and translation work of the Chinese and Russian governments, enterprises, scientific and technological experts.
劉云斌中國香港商會、僑商投資協會 會長個人原創文章
個人簡介:為加拿大、瑞士歸僑。與2010年回國?;貒?,曾就職于投行高盛國際、Dllarana等世界500強投行、地產企業,擁有豐富的地產開發,金融投資經驗?;貒笤吐氂邶埡禺a、及世界500強企業力寶集團等國際知名企業。在中國大陸地區直接負責開發住宅、商業綜合體、小鎮項目60余個。其中,天津項目:武清奧特萊斯、樂賓百貨、力寶廣場,滿城草莓小鎮等為京津冀市場帶來良好聲譽。同時首次以“ Fintech”理念包裝了不動產的金融產品。在業內享有很好的名譽。劉云斌先生服務中國香港商會、僑商投資協會;擔任俄羅斯科學院及歐亞科學院的中方首席代表;天津市僑聯委員、青聯委員、工商聯委員,及河北省工商聯委員,京津冀企業家協會副會長,保定市工商聯常委、僑聯委員、帶一 路戰略合作協會常務副會長等職務。同時,2016年,代表中國青年企業家協會參加“達沃斯世界經濟論壇”,對話多位世界政要、 首腦,企業大鱷,經濟專家等。

Overseas Chinese returned from Canada and Switzerland He returned to China in 2010. Before returning to China, Mr. Liu worked in investment banks and real estate companies such as Goldman Sachs International and Dollarama. He has rich experience in real estate development and financial investment
After returning to China, Mr. Liu worked for Longhu Real Estate and the world's Top 500 companies such as Lippo Group. In the mainland of China, he is directly responsible for the development of 60 projects like residential areas, commercial complex and small towns.
Among them, Tianjin project: Wuqing Outlets, Lebin Department Store, Lippo Plaza, Mancheng Strawberry Town, etc., which have brought good reputation to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei market. He is the first one to apply Fintech to the financial products of real estate. He has a good reputation in the industry. Mr.
Liu Yunbin now serves as the Executive President of the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and Overseas Chinese Investment Association of China; he is the Chief Chinese Representative of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Eurasian Academy of Sciences;
member of Tianjin Overseas Chinese Federation, member
of the Youth Federation, member of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and member of the Hebei Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, Vice President of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Entrepreneurs Association, member of the Standing Committee of the Federation of Industry and Commerce of Baoding, member of the Overseas Chinese Federation, and Executive Vice President of the Belit and Road Strategic Cooperation Association. At the same time, from 2016, he has participated in the "Davos Worlo Economic Forum " on behalf of the China Youth Entrepreneurs Association and conducted dialogue with many world-famous political leaders, heads, corporate big shot, economic experts and so on.
個人簡介:伊格諾·布魯克斯先生于1999年畢業,畢業于荷蘭格羅寧根大學地理信息系統系的空間科學碩士學位。他在傳感器技術方面的經驗始于10多年前,2010 年便開始參與成像技術制造的戰略管理。2014年擔任QuestGroup首席商務官,他充分融入最先進的(無人機)多光譜和高光譜成像應用,并結合其地理信息系統方面的背景,建立了真正專用于植物健康與作物分析的專業多光諾成像應用,因此與2個合伙人成立了DB2 Vision,并引入了LaQuinta多光譜作物傳感器-世界上功能最齊全、成本最低的專業精密AG相機先生于1999年畢業,畢業于荷蘭格羅寧根大學地理信息系統系的空間科學碩士學位。他在傳感器技術方面的經驗始于10多年前,2010 年便開始參與成像技術制造的戰略管理。2014年擔任QuestGroup首席商務官,他充分融入最先進的(無人機)多光譜和高光譜成像應用,并結合其地理信息系統方面的背景,建立了真正專用于植物健康與作物分析的專業多光諾成像應用,因此與2個合伙人成立了DB2 Vision,并引入了LaQuinta多光譜作物傳感器-世界上功能最齊全、成本最低的專業精密AG相機。
Netherlands Chapter Igno Breukers
Mr. Igno Breukers graduated in 1999 with a Master's Degree in Spatial Sciences with speialization in GIS from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. His experience in Sensor technology started over 10 years ago and his involvement in Strategic Management in Imaging Tehnology Manufacturing since 2010. In 2014, by taking on the role as Chief Commercial Officer of Quest Group, his full immersion into state of the art UAV) multispectral and hyperspectral imaging applications combined with a GIS background he built on developing a tru2 dedicated professional multispectral imaging application for vegetation health and crop analysis. This lead to the establishment of DB2 Vision with 2 partners and the introduction of the LaQuinta Multispectral Cropsensor as the worlds most fully featured, yet lowest cost professional Precision AG cumera.
個人簡介:比什恩先生在能源供應鏈方面擁有二十余年的豐富經驗。從2013年起,他為唐山曹妃甸發展投資集團(資產基數超過200億美元)開發了液化天然氣(LNG )驅動的收入模式。憑借其在融資,供應鏈安全與設計工業區到能源價值鏈等其他部分的豐富經驗,比什恩先生擁有獨特優勢來管理大型項目。比什恩先生是這一領域的專家, 因此他一直是PowerGen金融論壇,新加坡國際能源周,CWC全球液化天氣系列會議,國際清潔能源論壇和全球能源安全論壇等全球性能源盛會的演講嘉賓。在2017年,比什恩先生與中國社會科學院數量經濟與技術經濟研究所(IQTE)合作出版相關領域刊物。
Robbin Bishoen
Senior Consultant of Caofeidian Development Investment Group
Mr. Bishoen has more than 20 years of experience in the energy supply chain. Since 2013, he has developed a liquefied natural gas (LNG)-driver revenue model for Tangshan Caofeidian Development Investment Group (with an asset of more than $20 billion). With abundant experience in financing, supply chain security, industrial zones design and other parts of the energy value chain, Mr. Bishoen has a unique advantage in managing large projects.
Mr. Bishoen is an expert in this field, so he has been a guest speaker at the PowerGen Financial Forum, Singapore International Energy Week, CwC Global Liquefied Natural Gas Meetings, International Clean Energy Forum and Global Energy Security Forum. In 2017, Mr. Bishoen collaborated with the Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics (IQTE) of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in publishing materials in related fields.
個人簡介:出生于波哥大,畢業于Javeriana大學的工業工程專業,精通市場營銷和談判。他在從事過哥倫比亞和厄瓜多爾的Anixter (哥倫比亞國家航空公司)公司經理后,在Avianca任職維護工程師。現在他是哥倫比亞無人機協會創始人與副會長,AviacionRobotica組織的創始人以及哥倫比亞無人機操作員;他也是國家和地方政府以及民航的咨詢者和顧問,AUVSI與UVS的成員。
Colombia Chapter
Rafael Antonio Padi1la Cepeda
Mr. Rafael Padilla was born in Bogota and graduatedfrom.Javeriana universitywith a degree in industrialengineering. He isproficient in marketing and negotiaion. He worked as a maintenance engineer at Aviancaafter working for Anixter (Colombia National Airlines) company ir Colombia and Ecuador. He is currently the founder and vice president of the Colonbian Drone Association, the founder of the Aviacion Robotica organization and the Colombian drone operator, He is also aconsultant for national and local govenments and eivil aviation, a member ofAUVSI and UVS.
個人簡介:Jani Hirvinen先生出生于芬蘭航空家族,是全球知名的無人技術先驅。他是ArduPilot, IYDrones和DroneCode這些著名的國際無人機構的創始人,開啟了當前的無人機革命。Jani具備處理多種任務的能力,他航空經驗豐富,是個電子奇才。他參與了無人駕駛和全尺寸有人駕駛飛機的制造工作40多年。三十多年來,他一直與各種IT平臺打交道,處理復雜的電子和先進的機器人技術,Jani擁有 多項全球無人產業獎。他在全球組織中的地位:

Jani Hirviner
Founder of ArduPilot
Born in a Finnish Airlines family, Jani Hirvinen is a world-renowned pioneer of unmanned technology. He is the founder of many famous international unmanned institutions, including ArduPilot, IYDrones and DroneCode, whichstarted the currentdrone revolution.
Jani has the ability to handle a variety of tasks. He is experienced in aviation and is an electronic genius. He has been involved in the manufacturing of unmanned and full-size manned aircraft for more than 40 years. For more than 30 years, he has worked with a variety of IT platforms to handle complex electronics and advanced robotics. Jani has wined several global awards in unmanned industry.
He is:
* Thailand UAV Industry Company - CEO
* World Drone FederationI - nternational Consultant
* Shenzhen UAV Industry Association - Member of the Expert Committee
Secretary General Norman Ng
Mr. Norman Ng has participated in the construction of security business since1995, and he created China Public Security Expo (CPSE) while served as an international director. He found Asian AntiCounterfeiting Association as secre-tary general in 2005 and bult connection for GSIA and the security leader from over 30 countries. In 2010.
he announced the establishment of the International Aviation Security Association in Pilppiness as secretary general. In 2011, he established Macau International Security Inspection and EOD Technology Association as Executive Supervisor and was elected as the International Secre-tary General of Asia Pacific Security Association. With 20-year experience in the international security market, Mr. Norman Ng has devoted his international professional sills to the security industry. In addition, Mr. Norman Ng also set up World UAV Federation (WUAVF) as Secretary-General in 2017 and has expanded. its membership from various countries.
2012- 2013年飛艇 系統無人機研制項目
2013- 2014年士耳其航空學院大學( 無人機中心)”飛行員, 航空電子專家、渦輪發動機噴氣式無人機生產、傾轉旋翼( VTOL)系統的生產和測試試驗、安全部隊無人機飛行員培訓
2014- 2015年(伊斯坦布爾技術大學)、烏魯扎姆 (衛星發展講習班)、陽臺項目、試飛員、航空電子組件
2015-2016年為安全部隊生產無人機, 試航

University: Hitit university
electronics technology
work experiences-
2012-2013 Diyarbakir/HANi governorship airship system unmanned aerial vehicle developed project.
2013-2014 turkish air institution university, iHA-MER (unmanned aerial vehicle center) pilot,avionics specialist, turbine engine jet unmanned aerial vehicle production,tiltrotor(vtol)system production and test piloting, UAV pilot training for security forces 2014-2015 irù (Istanbul Technical University), UHUZAM (satellite development workshop), Balocopter project, test pilot, avionics assembly.
2015-2016 DiYARBAKIR/ Cinar governorship, drone production for security forces, testpiloting.
2016 - 2019 Turkish air institution university, iHA-MER (unmanned aerial vehicle center)pilot, avionics specialist.
Turkey Chapter
Haydar Ates
Asst. Prof. Dr. Haydar ATE$, PhD, is from Ankara Turkey. He is the faculty memberof University of Turkish Aeronautical Association, first and unique university of Turkeyon aviation and space sciencesHis major is management.He has 4 master degrees from different areas.
His PhD is from Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. He has lots of books in Turkey, book chapters in USA and Switzerland, and articles published in international area.
Dr. Haydar ATES also served in Turkish Army as an officer and retired as Colonel. During his career he commanded national and multinational troops and organizations inconflict areas around the world, such as Multinational Force Commander ir West Bank, Palestine, NATO ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) Central Commander in Afghanistan etc.
范本堯 中國工程院中國空間技術研究院 院士/院技術顧問個人原創文章
個人簡介:1935年8月16日出生于廣東省汕頭市,男,漢族,原籍上海市航天器研制技術專家。中共黨員。1957年畢業于上海交通大學船舶制造專業,后入清華大學工程力學研究班學習,1958年研究生畢曾任通信衛星和導航衛星總設計師、導航衛星領域首席專家?,F任中國航天科技集團有限公司科技委顧問、中國空間技術研究院技術顧問,主持了4個重點型號的10多顆衛星的成功研制,在解決重大工程技術問題上發揮了重要指導和決策作用,并先后發表30余篇論文和5部編著。突破了衛星再入熱防護技術,成功研制了我國第一一代返回式衛星再入防熱結構;參與主持的我國第一代實用通信衛星 ,在總體、結構和抗空間電磁F擾設計等方面成績突出;主持研制的我國第二代通信衛星達到國外同類衛星先進水平;主持研制我國第一個靜 止軌道衛星公用平臺;支持研制成功我國第一代導航定位衛星,首次實現了“雙星定位”運行。對我國通信衛星、導航定位衛星工程技術以及創建靜止軌道衛星公用平臺,做出了系統的、創造性的重大貢獻。1978年榮獲全國科學技術大會科技成果獎; 1 999年和2003年兩次作為第一完成人獲國家科技進步一 等獎; 1995年獲國家科技進步三等獎;五次獲部級科學技術進步-等獎和二 等獎; 2004年獲何梁何利科學與技術進步獎。1991年獲部級有突出貢獻專家稱號; 1992年獲“航天獎”,享受政府特殊津貼; 1997年獲“中國航天基金獎”:2002年獲“全國五一勞動獎章”。
Fan Benyao
Born on 16th August, 1935 in Shantou, Guangdong Province, male, Han nationality, domicile of origin in Shanghai.
Expert in spacecraft technology, CPC member. Graduated from the major of shipbuilding of Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1957, graduated from engineeringmechanics research class of Tsinghua University in 1958. He was the chief designer of communication and navigation satellites, chief expert in navigation satellite field. He is the consultant for the technology committee of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, technology consultant of China Space Technology Research Institute.
He led the successful development of over 10 satellites of the 4 key types, played important guiding and decisionmaking role in tackling major engineering technology issue.
He published over 30 papers and 5 works. He made breakthroughs satellite reentry thermal protection technology, successfully invented the 1st generation of reentry thermal protection structure for retrievable satellite; he participated in and led the research of the 1st generation of practical communication satellite, made remarkable progress in the general body, structure and anti-space electromagnetic interference design. The 2nd generation communication satellite, of which he played the leading role in its invention, has reached the level of its kind in foreign countries. He led the invention project of the 1st geostationary satellite public platform.
supported the invention of the 1st generation navigation positioning satellite in China, realizing the operation of "double satellite positioning". He has made systematic and major contribution to the communication satellite navigation positioning satellite technology and the establishment of geostationary satellite public platform.
He was granted the National Science and Technology Achievement Award in the National Science and Technology Conference in 1978, the 1st Prize of National Science and Technology Advancement as the 1st contributor in 1999 and 2003; 3rd Prize of National Science and Technology Advancement in 1995, the Ist Prize and 2nd Prize of Ministerial Science and Technology Advancement for 5 times He Liang & He Li Science and Technology Advancement Award in 2004; Ministerial Level Outstanding Expert in 1991, Aerospace Award in 1992 with government special allowances;China Aerospace Fund Award in 1997; National May 1 Labor Award in 2002 He became an academician of the Chinese Academy of Award in Engineering in 2005.
Liu Daxiang
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

Aerodynamics expert,professor and doctoralsupervisor of Beihang University;honorarypresident of the College of Power Engineering of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,and Vice Chairman of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He once received 1 Grand Prize of National Scienceand TechnologyProgress Award, 2second prizes, over 10ministerialscience and technology progress awards and the Hong Kong "He Liang He Li" Science and Technology Progress Award.
個人簡介:1979 - 1985烏克蘭基輔民用航空工程師學會無線電工程碩士
2010年-至今國立航空大學國際關系 系主任
Ukraine Chapter
Oleksandr Ivanov
1979- 1985 Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers. Kyiv, Ukraine
Master - Radio engineer.
2006- 2010: Head of the Trade and Economic Mission of Ukraine in South Korea.
2010 - till present time. National Aviatior University, Head International Relations Department
* organization of diplomaticmission visits;
* participation in negotiations;
* work with Contracts and Agreements;
*collaboration with different organization * work with documcnts.
陳俊龍歐洲科學院院士 、 中國自動化學會副理事長個人原創文章
個人簡介:中國自動化學會副理事長,國家千人學者、國家特聘專家,澳門科協副會長,澳門機器人與人智能學會會長,澳門大學講座牧授及科技學院前院長,華南理工大學計算機學院院長。陳教授是IEEE Fellow (院/會士) .美國科學促進會AAAS Fellow(院/會土)、國際模式識別IAPR Fellow(院/會士)、歐洲科學院院士 (Academia Europaea )、歐洲科學與藝術院院士(EASA)、國際系統及控制論科學院IASCYS院士、自動化學會(CAA)、 及香港工程師學會(HKIE) Fellow。陳教授現任IEEE系統人機及智能學會的SCI期刊主編( IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, andCybernetics: Systems),曾任該學會國際總主席(President of the SMCS, 2012- 2013),榮獲學會的4次杰出貢獻獎。陳教授主要科研在智能系統與控制,計算智能,混合智能,數據科學方向,是2018 Clarivate Analytcs2018年計算機科學學科的全球高被引科學家。2018年他獲得了EEE系統科學控制論的最高學術維納獎(ortertWiener Award)。
Zhang Yu was born in February 1983 in Loudi, Hunan with Han nationality. He started to work in July 2004. He graduated from the major of Applied Physics at the Department of Physics of School of Science, Beiing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He has a master's degree in engineering He is Deputy Chief Engineer of Guizhou Aviation Aircraft Co., Ltd. and Deputy Director of the Technical Committee of UASA.
He has successively served as test station assistant, deputy director of test station, director of UAV test department and Deputy Chief Engineer of Guizhou Aviation Aircraft Co., Ltd.
He has presided over the test and test flight work in a number of national key UAV programs and made a large number of scientific research achievements with important value. He has won the title of "innovation expert" in national defense industry system in Guizhou Province, May Fourth Youth Meda of Guizhou Province, the title of outstanding scientific and technological worker in Guizhou Province and the third prize of aviation country service gold award, etc.
盧致輝 深圳市科比特航空 董事長北付航空科技有限公司進入企業商鋪
個人簡介:2007年畢業于哈爾濱工業大學控制工程系自動化專業.專業從事無人機管理及技術研發生產工作近十年。2006 年作為大疆創始團隊二號員工,負責無人機任務系統的開發與設計;之后又先后任職于深圳市艾特航空科技有限公司與深圳市一電科技有限公司,負責無人機研發團隊組建與管理工作; 2009年底創建香港科比特科技有限公司(深圳市科比特航空科技有限公司前身) ,開始了自己執著的無人機創業之路,陸續研發并推出擁有自主知識產權的無人機機型共計25款。其帶領的科比特航空先后獲得優秀無人機企業、中國警用裝備十大品牌、中國無人機產業聯盟副理事長單位、深圳市安全防范行業協會副會長單位等榮譽稱號。同時,為響應國家培養航天人才培養計劃的號召,與哈工大成立聯合實驗室,定向培養無人機專業的人才。
He is General Manager of Shenzhen MicroMultiCopter Aero Technology Co., Ltd. He graduated from the major of automation at the Department of Control Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology in 2007. He has been specialized in UAV management and technical development for nearly 10 years. In 2006, as the No.2 staff member of the founding team of DJl, he was responsible for the development and design of the UAV mission system. Later, he successively worked in Shenzhen Art-Tech R/ C Hobby Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen AEE Technology Co., Ltd. and was responsible for UAV research and development team building and management. At the end of 2009, he established Hong Kong MicroMultiCopter Technology Co., Ltd. (predecessor of Shenzhen MicroMultiCopter Aero Technology Co., Ltd.) and began his entrepreneurial path in UAV. He has developed and launched a total of 25 UAV models with independent intellectual property rights. MMC has been honored as excellent UAV enterprise, one of China's top ten brands of police equipment, Deputy-Director Member of China UAV Industry Alliance and Vice-Chairman Member of Shenzhen Security & Protection Industry Association.
Meanwhile, in response to the call of the national aerospace personnel training program, he also se up a joint laboratory with Harbin Institute of Technology to train UAV professional personnel.
個人簡介:湖南衡陽人,碩士學歷,從事無人機技術開發工作近10年,主要側重于無人機整機設計、復合材料設計及機電- -體化等方面的研究,在公司主要負責研發和生產相關工作。曾主持研發過7種不同類型無人機項目的開發工作,參與過多項無人機標準的制定工作,已獲專利30余項。
Technical Director Luo Wei is from Hengvang, Hunan. He has a master's degree. He has been engaged in the development of UAV technology for nearly 10 years, mainly focusing on the studies of UAV machine design, composite materials design and mechatronics, etc. He is mainly responsible for the research and development and production-related work in the company. He has presided over the research and development of seven different types of UAV, participated in the development of several UAV standards, and obtained more than 30 patents.
個人簡介:專注于機翼氣動曲面線性模擬,無人機研制,自主控制、任務規劃研究,計算機輔助設計等方面研究。全國無人機系統標準委員會委員,先后參與《無人機系統分類分級》、《無人機系統術語》 、《無人機系統研制單位基本條件及評價方法》等10余項行業標準編制。參與科技部十三五國家科技支撐計劃項目一-基于事故特征的化工園區檢測預警方法及多災種耦合下立體化監測預警平臺一-的編 制和研發工作。中國儀器儀表學會氣象海洋水文分會第八屆理事會理事。
Fu Hao is 40 years old with Chinese nationality. He is Vice Chairman and General Manager of Bejing Expert Aviation-Technology Co., Ltd. He focuses on linear simulations of wing aerodynamic surfaces, UAV research and development, self-control and mission planning studies, computeraided design research, etc. As a member of National UAS Standard Committee, he has participateo in the preparation of more than 10 industry standards, such as UAS Classification and Grading, UAS Terminology, Basic Conditions and Evaluation Methods for UAS Research and Development Units.
He has participated in the preparation and development of detection and early warning methods for chemical industry parks based on accident features and the three-dimensional monitoring and early warning platform under multi-hazard combination, which is a national science and technology support program in the 13th Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology. He is also Director of the 8th Council of Maritime, Meteorological and Hydrological Instrument Division of China Instrumen and Control Society.
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